Monday, September 12, 2011

The Yeshiva World Fatal MVA In Bnei Brak ? ? Frum Jewish News

A fatal accident that occurred on Jabotinsky Street at the corner of Rabbi Akiva in Bnei Brak on Sunday claimed two lives, the driver of a scooter and a 19-year-old Efrat Cohen z?l, who died of her massive injuries. Efrat was supposed to announce her engagement next week.

The accident occurred at about 10pm, with the scooter running into Cohen as she crossed the street. At this time, police indicate it is unclear if the driver ran a red light or if Cohen crossed on a red light. The two sustained life-threatening injuries and both were pronounced dead upon arrival or shortly following their arrival at the hospital.

Efrat was a resident of Shikun Hey of Bnei Brak, and is survived by her parents and five siblings. Avner, her father, a driver who was in Kibbutz Shalavim when notified of the accident, hurried to the hospital. He did not make it to the emergency room in time. She was niftar shortly before his arrival.

As of 10:30am Monday, 303 motorist and pedestrians were killed on the nation?s roadways in 2011.

(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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