Thursday, September 1, 2011

YC-Funded Bushido: An App Store For The Web That Can Kickstart Your Side Projects

SamuraiIf you're a developer, there's a good chance you have a handful ??or more ??of side projects. Things you tinker with on evenings and weekends and may upload to GitHub, but that you've never seriously considered releasing to the wild as a standalone service. Not because you think they're bad, but because they'd be a lot of work to maintain ??and you still have that day job to worry about. Bushido, a Y Combinator startup that made its debut last week at Demo Day, wants to give developers a hand: they're making it super-simple to take that app and post it online for other users to sign up for ??and maybe even make some money off of it in the process. The problem, explains Bushido cofounder Sean Grove, is that the process of converting these open-source projects into usable services, complete with authentication and payments, is something that many developers don't want to deal with.


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