Friday, May 20, 2011

Money Management - Bankruptcy Attorney News

Money Management : Building Credit After Bankruptcy | Georgia Bankruptcy Laws


If you're considering bankruptcy you need a legal professional. The law allows for bankruptcy as the quickest means to better overall economic health - not just for you but for the economy as a whole.

Bankruptcy can prevent the following:

  • Home Foreclosure
  • Wage Garnishment
  • Collections Harassment
  • Repossession

Additionally, Chapter 7 allows you to consolidate student loans, reduce or eliminate credit card debt, and protect loan co-signers.

If you're considering any form of bankruptcy, fill out the form & talk to a local legal expert today!

About Us is a free resource to help you find a trusted Bankruptcy attorney in your area.

Having a trusted professional on your side could, at the very least, help reduce the impact to your credit score. Your attorney will inform you of your options under the law and protect your interests as much as the law allows.

Thank you for visitng!

by georgia on Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 | 2 Comments

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