Sunday, May 22, 2011

Important Things You Should Be Aware Of When Buying Land Or Building

Just beginning to think about buying land or building a new home? There is much to think about when you are making this decision. You might be surprised to discover all the things that go in to it.

When looking at land you will need to specify what kind of land you want. You may want a piece of land with trees. You may be looking for already cleared land. If it has trees and undergrowth, how much will you have to cut or clear? Just how much will you have to pay for it and what will be the cost to make it ready for your site? Heavy equipment is often needed to clean up or refresh the land. Maybe you want to leave most of it in its natural state. You must decide that before you can start any building.

Next you will need to survey the slope. You will want water runoff away from where you will be building and away from anywhere you will be actively using the property. Run off could be swift and violent depending on the slope and you must follow the path to see where water may congregate. It is not fun to be picnicking in a puddle. Worse yet, a constant water problem in your new basement or garage.

You must determine the content and type of soil that is present. It may be clay, which is very hard to excavate and will not hold water. It may be sand, that is dangerous to excavate because of its cave in tendencies, but drains water well. If it is gravel, that type of soil is hard to remove, but does have good drainage attributes. Maybe it is something that you can dig out and sell, like good black dirt. You will need to determine the consistency because you will need to install a septic system and the right system depends on the soil.

Before you can pit or mine the area, you must have the proper permits. There may be restrictions on what kind of operations you can perform. You will have to check with the local planning board before you can make those decisions. Many townships prohibit mining or reclaiming the land.

You will also need to check on the local building codes to see exactly what you can build, how large it can be, how tall it can be and the proper setbacks. If your new property is near water or contains water, there is a whole new set of rules that apply. Be sure to check the local ordinances before purchasing or building.

Many homes are planned with a basement. In some areas that is not possible because the water table is too high. Digging down will only get you a water filled basement. In those locations, the codes will mandate a concrete slab or footings.

Make sure you check for the possibility of adding out buildings to the lot at construction time or some time after. You certainly will want a garage, shed or storage type building somewhere on the parcel.

You can see that there are many different questions to ask, procedures to follow and options to explore, when your are buying land or building a house. Go to the local lumber yard and ask some questions. They will also be able to put you in touch with some of their customers who are building contractors. They will be able to tell you about the procedures and policies regarding the type of home you envision.

For more information from Jasper Brinks we recommend you visit his Logan Utah Homes website where you can view all Logan Utah Homes.


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