Monday, May 16, 2011

Africa Telecom Market Report 2008-2009 | Sultech Communications

Africa Telecom Market Report 2008-2009 Africa grows fast in population, currently 900 million plus. The growth rate of African econ...

Africa Telecom Market Report 2008-2009

Africa grows quick in population, now 900 million plus. The expansion rate of African manage to buy was 5.7% in 2008, as well as a figure might dump to 3.2% in 2009 given tellurian mercantile slowdown.

As a singular of regions where telecom attention develops a many rapidly, mobile information exchnage in Africa is surpassing awfully fast. At present, there have been we estimate 390 million dungeon phone subscribers, though with reduction than 45% invasion rate. Thereby, it still has good intensity for serve development.

Mobile prepay users take a infancy of Africa?s subscribers, a singular subscriber might have multiform cards; so, a genuine invasion rate is reduction than which aforementioned.

Economic alleviation as well as open-up of telecom attention expostulate a fast expansion of Africa telecom industry.

Table Of Contents :

1. Overview of Africa Telecom Industry
1.1 Industry Scale as well as Growth
1.1.1 Fixed Telephone Market
1.1.2 Mobile Communication Market
1.2 Market Patterns
1.2.1 Fixed Telephone Market
1.2.2 Mobile Communication Market
1.3 Internet Market
1.4 Business Competition Patterns

2. Algeria
2.1 Status Quo & Trend of Telecom Industry
2.2 Key Operators
2.2.1 Orascom Telecom Algeria (Djezzy)
2.2.2 Algeria Telecom
2.2.3 Wataniya Telecom Alg?rie

3. Egypt
3.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
3.2 Key Operators
3.2.1 Telecom Eygpt
3.2.2 ECMS (Mobinil)
3.2.3 Vodafone Egypt

4. Morocco
4.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
4.2 Key Operators
4.2.1 Maroc Telecom
4.2.2 Meditel (M?ditelecom, M?ditel for short)
4.3.3 Wana

5. Libya
5.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
5.2 Key Operators

6. Tunisia
6.1 Development of Telecom Industry
6.2 Key Operators
6.2.1 TUNTEL

7. Cameroon
7.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
7.2 Key Operators
7.2.1 CAMTEL
7.3.2 MTN Cameroon
7.3.3 Orange Cameroon

8. Congo, Dem. Rep
8.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
8.2 Key Operators
8.2.1 Zain Congo
8.2.2 Vodacom Congo

9. Uganda
9.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
9.2 Key Operators
9.2.1 UTL
9.2.2 MTN Uganda
9.2.3 Zain Uganda

10. Ethiopia
10.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
10.2 Key Operators

11. Nigeria
11.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
11.1.1 Fixed-line Communication
11.2.2 Mobile Communication
11.2.3 Internet
11.3 Key Operators
11.3.1 MTN Nigeria
11.3.2 VMobile
11.3.3 NITEL
11.3.4 Globacom

12. Kenya
12.1 Development of Telecom Industry
12.1.1 Latest Developments of Communication Business
12.1.2 Fixed-line Communication
12.1.3 Mobile Communication
12.1.4 Internet
12.2 Key Operators
12.2.1 Telkom Kenya
12.2.2 Safaricom
12.3.3 Celtel Kenya

13. Ghana
13.1 Development of Telecom Industry
13.2 Key Operators
13.2.1 Ghana Telecomm
13.2.2 MTN Ghana (Scancom)
13.2.3 Zain Ghana(Celtel)

14. South Africa
14.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
14.1.1 Fixed-line Communication
14.1.2 Mobile Communication
14.1.3 Internet
14.2 Key Operators
14.2.1 Telkom
14.2.2 MTN
14.2.3 Vodacom
14.2.4 Cell-C

15. Zambia
15.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
15.2 Key Operators
15.2.1 Zamtel
15.2.2 Telecel Zambia(MTN(Zambia))
15.2.3 Celtel Zambia(Zain Zambia)

16. Madagascar
16.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
16.2 Key Operators
16.2.1 Telma
16.2.2 Orange Madagascar
16.2.3 ZAIN Madagascar

17. Tanzania
17.1 Status Quo of Telecom Industry
17.2 Key Operators
17.3.1 TTCL
17.3.2 Vodacom Tanzania Ltd
17.3.3 ZAIN Tanzania (Celtel Tanzania)

18. Trends of Africa Telecom Industry
18.1 Characteristics
18.1.1 Overall Backwardness
18.1.2 Unbalance Development by Region
18.1.3 Rapid Development
18.1.4 Mobile Communication Over Fixed-line Service
18.1.5 Mainstream Status of GSM
18.1.6 Huge Market Potential
18.1.7 Intense Competition
18.1.8 Reform in Telecom Industry
18.2 Entry Suggestions
18.3 Investment Opportunities
18.4 Development Trend

Selected Charts

?Growth of Fixed Telephone Subscribers in Africa, 1995-2007
Growth of Mobile Phone Subscribers in Africa, 2003-2008
Penetration Rate of Mobile Phone Subscribers in Key African Countries, 2008
Population Distribution in Africa
Distribution of Fixed Telephone Subscribers in Africa, September 2007
Fixed Line Penetration in Africa by region, September 2007
Number of Operators in Key African Markets, 2008
Top 10 Mobile Operators in Africa, 2008Q1
Internet Subscribers Distribution in Africa during a End of June 2007
Status Quo & Trend of Algeria Telecom Industry Development
Growth of Mobile Subscribers in Algeria, 2000-2007
Mobile Subscribers of Orascom Telecom Algeria (Djezzy), 2006-2008
Mobile Market Share of Orascom Telecom Algeria (Djezzy), 2008
MOU of Orascom Telecom Algeria (Djezzy), 2006-2008
ARPU of Orascom Telecom Algeria (Djezzy), 2006-2008
Revenue of Orascom Telecom Algeria (Djezzy), 2007-2008
Organization Structure of NTRA
Status Quo of Telecom Licenses in Egypt
Egypt Telecom Licenses
Fixed Phone Subscribers in Egypt, 2008
Mobile as well as Fixed Phone Subscribers in Egypt, 2007-2008
Broadband Subscribers in Egypt, 2008
Internet Subscriber as well as Penetration Rate in Egypt, 2007-2008
Internet Access by Type in Egypt, 2007-2008
Age Structure of Internet Subscribers in Egypt, 2007-2008
Mobile Phone Subscribers in Egypt, 2008
Public Phone Subscribers in Egypt, 2008
Phone Penetration Rate in Egypt, 2008
Phone Penetration Rate in Egypt, 2007-2008
Revenue as well as Expenditure of Key Telecom Operators in Egypt, 2007-2008
Mobile Communication Market Share in Egypt, 2008
Key Financial Data of Telecom Egypt, 2008
Profile of Mobinil
Mobile Subscribers of Mobinil, 2006-2008
MOU of Mobinil Mobile Subscribers, 2006-2008
ARPU of Mobinil Mobile Subscribers, 2006-2008
Revenue of Mobinil, 2007-2008
GSM Mobile Subscribers, 2007-2008
Growth of Mobile Subscribers in Morocco, 2000-Jun 2007
Growth of Fixed Phone as well as Cell Phone Subscribers of Maroc Telecom, 2007-2008
Classification of Mobile Phone Subscribers of Maroc Telecom, 2007-2008
Internet Subscribers of Maroc Telecom, 2007-2008
Equity Structure of Meditel
Growth of Fixed Phone Subscribers in Tunisia, 2000-2008
Growth of Mobile Phone Subscribers in Tunisia, 2000-2008
Mobile Market Share in Tunisia, 2008
Growth of Internet Subscribers in Tunisia, 2000-2008
Mobile Subscribers of TUNISIANA, 2006-2008
MOU of TUNISIANA Mobile Subscribers, 2006-2008
ARPU of TUNISIANA Mobile Subscribers, 2006-2008
Total Revenue of TUNISIANA, 2007-2008
Phone Market Share of Cameron, 2007-2008Q1
Growth of Mobile Subscribers in Cameron, 2000-2008
Classification of CAMTEL?s Fixed Phone Subscribers, 2007-2008
Growth of Mobile Subscribers of MTN Cameroon, March 2002-Jun 2007
Growth of Mobile Subscribers of MTN Cameroon, 2007-2008
Growth of Mobile Subscribers of Orange Cameroon, 2007-2008
Market Performance of Vodacom Congo, 2008
Uganda Telecom Developments, 2008
Uganda Call Volume, 2008
SMS Classified Volume in Uganda, 2008
Public Phone Quantity in Uganda, 2008
Internet Bandwidth in Uganda, 2008
Growth of Internet Subscribers in Uganda, 2000-2008
Growth of Mobile Subscribes of MTN Uganda, March 2002-2008
Internet Coverage of Zain Uganda
Organization Structure of Ethiopia ETA
Growth of Mobile Subscribers in Ethiopia, 2000-2007
Organization Structure of ETC
Fixed Phone Coverage in Nigeria, 2008
Growth of Fixed Phone Subscribers in Nigeria, 2000-2008
GSM Operators Statistics in Nigeria, March 2009
CDMA Operators Statistics in Nigeria, March 2009
Growth of Mobile Subscribers in Nigeria, 2000-2008
Market Share Proportion of a Four Operators
Mobile Subscribers as well as Penetration of MTN Nigeria, 2002-2008
ARPU Changes of MTN Nigeria, 2002-2007
Changes of Fixed Phone Subscribers by Business in Kenya, 2007-2008
Changes of Fixed Phone Subscribers in Kenya, 2000-2008
Fixed-line Subscribers as well as Penetration Rate in Kenya, 2000-2008
Fixed Phone Access by Type in Kenya, 2007-2008
Regional Distribution of Fixed-line Subscribers in Kenya
Urban as well as Rural Fixed-line Subscribers? Proportion, 2008
Mobile Phone Subscribers as well as Penetration Rate in Kenya, 2007-2008
Growth of Mobile Phone Subscribers in Kenya, 2000-2008
Changes of Mobile Communication Traffic Volume in Kenya, Apr-Dec 2008
Changes of Mobile Phones Expenses in Kenya, 2007-2008
Changes of Mobile Network Coverage in Kenya, 2007-2008
Changes of Mobile Communication Revenue as well as Investment in Kenya, 2007-2008
Changes of Internet Subscribers in Kenya, 2007-2008
Changes of Internet Revenue & Investment in Kenya, 2007-2008
Changes of Subscribers of Key Mobile Operators in Kenya, 2003-2008
Equity Structure of Safaricom
Growth of Mobile Subscribers of Safaricom, 2005-2008
Growth of Fixed Phone Subscribers in Ghana, 2000-2008
Market Share of Fixed-Phone Operators in Ghana, 2008
Growth of Mobile Phone Subscribers in Ghana, 2000-2008
Internet Subscribers? Proportion by Type in Ghana
Subscribers as well as ARPU Changes of MTN Ghana, 2006-2008
Growth of Fixed Phone Subscribers in South Africa, 1999-2007
Growth of Mobile Phone Subscribers in South Africa, 2000-2008
SIM Card Penetration in South Africa, 2006-2008
Market Share of Mobile Communication in Africa, 2008
Growth of Internet Subscribers in North Africa, 2001-2008
Market Share of Mobile Operators in South Africa, December 2008
Telkom?s Subscribers by Type, 2006-2008
Telkom?s Call Time by Type, 2006-2008
Internet infrastructure of Telkom, 2004-2008
Main Businesses as well as Financial Results of MTN, FY2008
MTN?s Subscribers Distribution by Region
Development Trend of Mobile Subscribers of MTN in Middle East as well as Africa
Main Businesses Structure of MTN
MTN?s Market Analysis by Region
Subscribers? ARPU Changes of Vodacom SA
Mobile Operating Data of Vodacom, 2006-2008
Revenue Growth of Vodacom, FY2007-2009
Market Share of Zambia?s Mobile Operators, 2004-2007
Mobile Phone Development in Zambia, 2000-2008
Internet Subscribers Development in Zambia, 2001-2008
PSTN Subscribers Development in Zambia, 2001-2008
Netwrok Coverage of MTN(Zambia)Ltd
Subscribers Development of Zain Zambia, 2004-2008
Revenue Growth of Zain Zambia, 2004-2008
Net Profit Growth of Zain Zambia, 2004-2008
Phone Penetration in Madagascar, 2000-2007
Operation of ZAIN Madagascar, 2007-2008
Operator Numbers by Type in Tanzania
Voice Telecommunication Subscribers, 2000 ? 2008
Mobile Phone Subscribers? Proportion to Fixed Phone Subscribers in Tanzania
Voice Telecommunications Penetration (Teledensity)
Voice Telecommunications Penetration (Teledensity)
Subscribers per Operators
Mobile Phone Market Share in Tanzania, 2008
Equity Structure of TTCL
Operation of ZAIN Tanzania, 2008
Growth Trend of Mobile Subscribers in Africa, 2002-2012E
Mobile Subscribers as well as Penetration in Africa, 2002-2012E
Development Trend of 3G Subscribers in Africa, 2002-2012E?

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