Monday, June 17, 2013

Shawn Amos: WATCH: E3 Brings The Console Wars to LA

Over 48,000 video game developers, journalists, retailers and publishers from 102 countries descended upon Los Angeles last week for the E3 convention, all anxious to see not just the new games, but the new game consoles.

It seemed like Sony and its newly unveiled Playstation 4 defeated Microsoft's Xbox One in the battle of the buzz, but some people are wondering: are consoles on the way out?

IGN PlayStation Executive Editor Greg Miller told Business Insider earlier this year, "There's a good chance that this next type of console is the final run for consoles in general."

If not consoles, then what?

The future of gaming might be in our hands. Mobile is eating everyone's lunch, including console gaming, though some are unwilling to admit it just yet.

Or games might be streamed through a smaller device or hardware built into smart TVs, with cloud servers handling the heavy lifting. "It could be something you plug into TV and gives you access to all the stuff. You might want an Xbox dongle for exclusive IP that works with other screens. I don't think it will be a box like we have now." Peter Warman, CEO of research firm Newzoo, told Forbes recently.

Find out more in this week's episode of The Content Brief from Freshwire below.

If you missed our video last week showing you the brands that are rocking out on Tumblr, get it right here.

Need more E3? Gorge yourself on pictures and articles from Freshwire's time at E3 here.




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