Saturday, June 15, 2013

Here Are the Very First Posts on Your Favorite Websites

Here Are the Very First Posts on Your Favorite Websites

You use Twitter. You use YouTube. You use Amazon. You check Reddit. You know what TMZ is. You even been on PostSecret before. But when did you start using all of this stuff? What was your first post? Do you want to know what each of those websites first post was? Yeah you do.

The excellent website puts together all the original, very first (as in literally FIRST) posts of a collection of the most popular websites on the Internet. It's an amazing collection that shows the first posts from social networks like Twitter to websites like Lifehacker to deals websites like Groupon to gossip blogs like TMZ to official sites like to everything in between.

If you want to see all of the very first posts on your favorite websites, go to ThisWasFirst. A few of our favorites are down below [ThisWasFirst via BoingBoing]

On Twitter it was Jack Dorsey checking in:

Here Are the Very First Posts on Your Favorite Websites

On YouTube it was this video by Yakov Lapitsky:

This was the first book Amazon sold:

Here Are the Very First Posts on Your Favorite Websites

The very first Reddit post:

Here Are the Very First Posts on Your Favorite Websites

And the original LiveJournal post:

Here Are the Very First Posts on Your Favorite Websites

And a few of the first set of postcards that went up on PostSecret:

Here Are the Very First Posts on Your Favorite Websites

The Internet sure was different before these places existed. No one could have expected what happened when they first wrote their original post.


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