Friday, August 17, 2012

MLE and India: Fwd: [MLE] Report on Language in education in ...

Dear Multilingual Education friends,
" ... children are not able to develop strong competence in their mother tongues until there are taught through L1 for the first 8 years as in Ethiopia. To promote quality education in Nepal, it is mandatory to promote teaching in children?s first language (be it Nepali or other local languages) for the first six years (at least) (ideally 8 years). The Ethiopian evidence shows that children learn English better when they have strong competence in their first language. "
Some other recommendations are:
  • Enough materials in local languages should be prepared before the implementation of the programme.
  • Community participation and involvement of other stakeholders should be ensured in all stages of the programme.
  • Eight-year long MTB-MLE provides a strong foundation for children?s learning and help them achieve better in all subjects including second and foreign language.
  • Decentralized decision-making process, with effective inspection and mentoring, helps for the effective implementation of the MTB-MLE. As Ethiopian case suggests there is no single uniform model of the programme in different states. It depends upon the need of the different regions.
  • ?Teachers? capacity in mother tongue teaching is one of the most important factors for making teaching and learning of MT effective
<br/><span>The report also contains a review of the Orissa and AP multilingual Education programs in India. </span><br/><span> </span><br/> <span>Thanks to Dr Pamela Mackenzie for the tip.<p>Regards,<br/>Karsten</p></span> <p> -- </p> <title>Document
Karsten van Riezen
Consultant, LinkedIn Profile
SIL International, South Asia Group

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