Saturday, July 28, 2012

Role of Nutrition - Heathrow Chiropractic - Lake Mary

Last updated 18 hours ago

As your chiropractor will tell you, a balanced diet rich in nutrients is important in maintaining your overall health and wellness. Nutrition affects the functioning of your major organs, blood pressure, risk of disease and more.

Heart Health
Eating foods that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. Talk to your doctor about your risk factors for heart disease, including your family?s medical history. He or she can help you design a diet plan to decrease foods that increase your risk and increase foods that help fight heart disease, such as leafy green vegetables.

Blood Pressure
If you have high blood pressure (hypertension), the right nutrition can help you control your condition. For example, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet encourages controlled meal portions, reduced sodium, and increased portions of foods rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium. The DASH diet may reduce your blood pressure by a few points in as little as two weeks.

An unbalanced diet lacking key nutrition or high in sodium or saturated fats can increase your risk of serious diseases such as diabetes or cancer. If you already suffer from a disease or condition, certain foods can either exacerbate or help your symptoms and overall health.

Being either overweight or underweight can lead to serious health complications. If your weight veers toward either extreme, talk to your doctor about developing a diet plan to help you achieve and manage a healthier weight. Being overweight can increase your risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases. Being underweight can increase your risk of heart failure and stroke as well as oral and digestive problems.

Nutrition is just one part of your overall health and wellness. Other important factors include fitness and exercise, posture, and ergonomics. Heathrow Chiropractic in Lake Mary is committed to improving your overall health and wellness through such services as nutritional counseling, massage therapy, and physical therapy for auto or sports injury. Get in touch with us today at (407) 966-4636 or visit our website for more information.


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