Friday, October 14, 2011

Cain Gains Outside of Florida Straw Poll (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | If the race for the GOP presidential nomination is only a two-horse race, then someone forget to tell Herman Cain.

In what can only be called unbelievable, Cain, a businessman who has not served one day in public office, is rallying the troops and surging forward in the polls. Right now this news comes as no surprise, as Cain recently won the Florida Straw Poll and is quickly gaining national notoriety. But anyone watching Cain from the beginning is likely in a bit of shock and awe.

My wife and I have diligently watched every debate as we, like many Americans, are not happy with the way the country is heading. While President Barack Obama talked a big talk, he has sadly not been able to walk the walk and leadership at this juncture needs to be examined.

While I can't say what the many other Floridians like about Cain, I can tell you that I have like him from the outset. He has a very refreshing way of looking at things which mirrors my own personal sentiment. He harps on "fixing things" rather than "kicking the can down the road," is sort of like my favorite saying: "Stop coming up with excuses and find solutions."

For example, his 999 Plan, which calls for flat taxes of 9 percent for businesses, 9 percent for individuals and a 9 percent national sales tax, may be less loved, but when examined deeply, you can see it is only phase one of a two-step process that will lead to a fair tax. The bottom line is that it addresses current problems and fixes them.

Now many will say that there are vast differences between the Florida Straw Poll and the national polls and they are right. However, according to the latest national poll headed up by CNN, Cain is continuing his momentum with likely voters as he has now taken second place in the polls at 16 percent behind former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney, who has 25 percent. By doing so, Cain has unseated former front-runner and current Texas Governor Rick Perry who is now receiving 14 percent in the polls.

The lesson, listen closely to the voice of Florida. After all, with Florida moving their primary to January 31st, the Sunshine State could continue to lead the way for voters everywhere and as of now at least, many feel that Herman Cain is able.


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