Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Articles 20VN | The Internet is a Must For Local Businesses | seo ...

Today it is very important to create a website for your business, yes even if it's a local business.

Why? Well I'm glad you ask (or this would be a really short article).

The way people search for products and services and just about everything else has moved from newspapers and the Yellow Pages to the Internet. In fact of the Internet users surveyed over 77% stated that they will use the Internet to look for products and especially services and then purchase them locally!

As a local business owner you are servicing a generation that has grown up with the Internet. And with the expanding use of Internet ready mobile phones local business need to be were people that are ready to buy can find them. Online!

If you are a service provider, Lawyer, Accountant, Plumber, Electrician, Hotel, Restaurant owner, Doctor, Dentist etc. not having a website is costing you a bundle.

Think about it. Over 77% stated that they will use the Internet to look for products and especially services and then purchase them locally. The service that you provide needs to provided in a reasonable geographical area right?

The people that find your site online are pre-qualified leads. They have actively typed into a search engine a term of something that you can help them with. Compare that to placing an ad in a local newspaper were 91% of the people that see it are either not interested in your offer at that specific time or could care less.

Now having a website and having a website that buyers can find are completely different things. Any body can throw up a site but there is a science that goes into having your site show up on the first page of the search results.

The fact is that if your site is not found on the first page of results, the amount of sales and or leads will decrease dramatically.

This is where a professional SEO consultant comes in. An SEO is a person that understands the search engines and employs the best practices to get your site on the first page when somebody is searching for what you provide.

For local it is very important to enlist an SEO professional to get your site ranked well in the local results pages. This is where your site is listed based on the standard SEO factors but also on geo targeted information, which your SEO will embed in the HTML code of the web pages of your site.

The Internet should be a major player for the advertising budget of any local business. Used in conjuncture with other media, online marketing can really drive up your profits!


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