Sunday, July 24, 2011

WFP chief says famine in Somalia will expand soon (AP)

DADAAB, Kenya ? The executive director of the World Food Program says the area hit by famine in Somalia will soon expand.

Josette Sheeran visited Kenya's Dadaab refugee camp Saturday where tens of thousands of hungry Somalis have fled to in recent weeks.

Sheeran met with hungry mothers and assured them the WFP would make it a priority to get their kids nutrition. She said because of the actions of the militants in Somalia WFP can't reach 60 percent of the 3.7 million Somalis in need.

Somalia has been mired by violence since 1991. Militants attempting to topple Somalia's weak U.N. backed government control most of southern and central Somalia.

Al-Shabab the most dangerous militant group in the country has said it will prevent international aid workers from operating in the country.


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