Sunday, July 3, 2011

Story Telling Tips For Your Online Internet Marketing Business

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By: Gareth Price

Using stories to promote your online internet business can be extremely beneficial for your online business. Building your own personal stories is important for the growth of your internet business. These type of stories cannot be replicated and it's the most compelling stories that get people's attention, which will lead to relationship building and then hopefully sales for your internet business.

You may not think yourself as a great story teller, but with a little thought it's surprising what will spring to mind. The best stories are those that are centred around every day life. Stories captivate people and can help build instant rapport, which is what your first goal should be in your internet marketing plan - getting noticed.

Here are some tips to help you with your story telling strategies.

1) Think back to an incident that generated a strong emotion and then write that emotion down. It may have been exitement, dispair, anger, joy, fear, confusion or maybe guilt but write it down.

2) Remember who was involved and again write down the names and remember what or who influenced your emotion.

3) List in order the key principles that made you feel this emotion and finally what was the outcome

4) Was there something funny about the incident and if so mention it. People like to be entertained and also what did you learn from it. Again there will be some people who have experienced the same episode and will relate to what you are saying.

5) Finally deliver your story in your marketing campaign to comunicate with your potential customers.

Keep a diary of stories you can use. Note everyday occurences as they happen, as you will never know when you may need them. Also learn from good story tellers for example:
* How do they keep you engaged?
* How does the story build?
* How many characters are involved?
* What do they tell you about the characters?
* Do they use humour?

Remember the more detail you add to your story the more chance it will have of capturing people's attention

Your main goal from reading this article is to get a book and start logging your personal stories form your experiences in life and then to use them in your online internet marketing strategies to get your internet business noticed !

Author Resource:->??If you want to start an Online Internet Marketing Business, then visit and download your free report to get tips, hints and techniques on how to start and grow an Online Internet Business

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