Thursday, March 14, 2013

SEO content marketing roundup, week ending ... - SEO Copywriting

Pinterest, SMX, SWSX Roundup:03:13:13This week?s latest and greatest internet marketing news finds reports streaming in from SMX West and SXSW, social media marketers buzzing about Pinterest?s new data analytics tools and Facebook?s re-designed news feed, and content marketers discussing a higher standard.

Enjoy this week?s picks!

Content Marketing

Lee Odden discusses the rise of the visual web with ?The Creative Content Marketing Bar is Higher. Can You Reach It?? at Top Rank.

Michael King discusses ?What It Takes To Get Remarkable Content Done? at iAcquire.

Neil Patel discusses ?5 Content Marketing Mistakes that Even the Pros Make? at Quicksprout.

Tom Fishburne posts ?Why Your Content Marketing Riches Can Be Found in the Niches? at Content Marketing Institute.

Jennifer Horowitz shares online marketing ?Productivity Tips? at Level 343.

For online writers debating opening their own business, Heather Lloyd-Martin posts ?Should you dive or wade into a freelance copywriting business?? at SEO Copywriting.


(Kristi Hines lists ?10 Great Online Marketing Conferences for 2013? that covers much of what is listed here, plus other events.)


SEO & Search

Reporting on Google?s Amit Singhal?s interview by Guy Kawasaki, Danny Sullivan posts ?Growth Of Mobile Search ?Like Seeing My Second Child Grow? Says Google Search Chief At #SXSW? at Search Engine Land.

Bharati Ahuja distills the main points of Amit Singhal?s interview with ?A Short Summary Of What Amit Singhal Spoke At SXSW conference 2013 in Austin? at WebPro Technologies.

Eric Enge posts ?Want to Rank in Google? Build Your Author Rank Now? at Search Engine Watch.

Lauren Litwinka posts the ambitious ?How Does Your SEO Measure Up? 852 Supreme Performance Metrics Tips From #SMX? at aimClear.

Citing a recent article by Bill Slawski, Heather Lloyd-Martin posts ?Updated: Google snippet trick tips for success? at SEO Copywriting.

Speaking of Bill Slawski (above), his most recent article concerning Google snippets, ?How Google is Generating Query Refinements the Orion Way,? is at SEO by the Sea.

Dan Butler shares a comprehensive, resource-rich guide, ?Micro Data & Guide To Generating Rich Snippets? at SEO Gadget.

Gabriella Sannino shares an interactive SEO resource with ?Our Latest Robust SEO Dictionary? on Steroids? at Level 343.

Annabel Hodges posts ?SEO Brand Marketing ? Looking Beyond Keywords? at State of Search.

Again reporting from SXSW, Danny Sullivan posts ?Bad Merchant? Google May Drop Your Rankings Later This Year? at Search Engine Land.

Greg Habermann discusses accessing more meaningful data with ?Top 5 Google Analytics Changes You Might Have Missed? at Search Engine Watch.

Kristi Hines reviews ?10 Premium SEO Tools That You Can Try for Free (or Cheap)? at Kikolani.

Si?n Killingsworth discusses ?What baseball & poultry can teach you about handling SEO clients? at SEO Copywriting.

Amy Teeple advises would-be SEO clients on ?How to Avoid Shady SEO & Online Marketing Scams? at ACT Web Consulting.


  • SMX Toronto is scheduled for March 20th and 21st.
  • SES New York?will return to The Big Apple March 25th thru the 28th. Register by tomorrow (March 7th)?for last call on (extended) early bird rates!
  • MozCon 2013 (SEOmoz) will be in Seattle (of course) from July 8th thru the 10th.
  • Search Exchange 2013 will be held July 29th thru the 31st in Charlotte, NC. Register by April 30th for early bird rates!


Social Media Marketing

?Facebook News Feed Changes? headlines Social Media Examiner?s weekly news.

Catherine Shu reports ?Pinterest Launches New Data Analytic Tool For Businesses As It Prepares To Monetize? at TechCrunch.

Also alluding to Pinterest monetization, Greg Sterling posts ?Pinterest Analytics: Making The Most ?Actionable? Network More Actionable? at Marketing Land.

Ryan Tate posts ?YouTube Founder Sees Social Future for Video? at Wired Business |

For those conducting social analytics, Kiko Correa posts ?An Easy Way to Automate Your Facebook Reporting Using Pivot Tables? at Portent.

Ted Prodromou shares tips from his book with ?Building Your Brand on Twitter? at Entrepreneur.


(For an all-in-one listing and description of social media, content & inbound marketing events, check out Neal Schaffer?s ?The 12 Best Social Media Conferences to Attend in 2013? at Social Media Today.)


image thanks to mkhmarketing


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